Electric Guitar and Bass Design


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Denna bok börjar från grunden och förklarar alla aspekter inför ett kommande gitarrbygge. Oerhört värdefull information som kan bespara dig mycket frustration, tid och pengar. Författaren Leo Lospennato är en tysk gitarrbyggare med stor erfarenhet i ämnet. 219 sidor.


Are you ready to design the guitar or bass of your dreams? Unlike other DIY guitar making sources (which deal with woodworking, mostly) this book focuses on how to achieve astonishing looks, excellent playability and a killer sound. Written collaboratively with top luthiers from the U.S. and Europe, this inspiring book covers in depth each aspect of electric guitar design, plus topics not found on other sources, like:

  • How to design a classic, how to design a radical
  • Thousand-year wisdom applied on Stratocasters and Les Pauls
  • Secrets of sustain
  • How to create a well balancing guitar
  • Ergonomics
  • How to choose, match and place pickups
  • Control design
  • The 4 laws of wood selection

And much more. These 220 pages will have you making sketches from the first read!

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